I mean, I use this site regularly, and I can tell you that all subsections look the same. The homepage of the section called Traps is the same as all other Reddit pages. And if you feel the same way, come on, say it after me - traps aren't gay! Now that we got that out of the way, we can finally start this review. But, because they're here, and they're so attractive, I have to keep watching every single video with them I can come across online. That's because, even though I want to quit porn, I think I could do it if traps didn't exist. At this point, because of my porn addiction, I'm not really into regular girls anymore.Instead, I'm mostly into traps, and they're a great source of pleasure for me. I mean, I never had sex, and in fact, I never even had the opportunity to kiss a girl. And that something is, of course, a thick, juicy, meaty cock for us to suck on. For anyone who doesn't know what traps are, you see, they're pretty much girls, but with something extra. That's because, of course, we're talking about traps. And I think this one will be my personal favorite for now. Reddit Traps, aka r/Traps! As usual, we have another Reddit review for today.